OILplan® 200

OILplan® 200 is the result of combining the OLIVIA 200 collection station and the OILplan system.

The OILplan® 200 collection station is designed specifically for bulk oil. It is a 2-chamber container made of PEHD fit to resist harsh weather conditions and oils; it has a 190-liter capacity and is equipped with posts for fixing it to the ground and a slip-proof footboard.

The station is electrically powered using a power supply or batteries and photovoltaic panels, and is available in the BASE and ECO version.

The BASE version is equipped with an RFID reader for the controlled opening of the lid and user recognition; collected oil readings can also be set to record individual drop-offs or programmed according to need.

The ECO version, on the other hand, features free drop-off and can measure 3 filling levels (33%, 66%, 100%).

Available on request, only for BASE version, an UHF RFID reader.

Capacity 190 Lt
Length 150 cm
Width 120 cm
Height 253 cm

110/240 VAC (with power supply)

20 VDC (photovoltaic)

Product codes

02179 (OILplan® 200 BASE)

02181 (OILplan® 200 ECO)